Thursday 6 March 2014

Evaluation of our Advert

Based on our questionnaire, everyone thought that our advert successfully represented the brand that we chose (Wrigley's Extra Chewing gum). Everyone who gave feedback thought the advert flowed well and the narrative was clear. This was important as we had to make sure the viewer knows what is happening and what the advert is about. Some people thought that the music used in the advert only worked in some parts whereas others thought it worked well throughout. When asked what could we do to improve the advert, some said to make some shots less shaky, for example, the bit with the clock. Originally, the shots were not shaky but due to some technical difficulties, the images became a bit pixelised and some of the images zoomed in more than the others, making the shot seem as if it were shaky. Also, some people mentioned making the lighting consistent. In order to do this, next time we would use an extra light throughout filming the advert. More people said the advert does't make them want to go buy the product.

I interviewed a member of our target audience for this advert and asked them similar questions to the ones in the questionnaire, but further inquired their answers. The person thought that the expressions on the characters in the advert were too over exaggerated and this made the advert seem like a bit of a joke. Also, they were undecided on weather or not the advert would make them go buy the product, they were not so sure about the whole concept of flying because of gum as it seemed very exaggerated.

Compared to actual adverts for our product, I think ours conveys the product better. The original advert focuses more on one concept of the chewing gum, keeping your mouth clean, whereas our advert focuses more on the product in general and shows the viewer they will enjoy the product. Although, the original advert has little characters in it which can appeal to little children as well as adults. Our advert doesn't have that therefore we have a very limited target audience due to this.

The advert has many strengths and weaknesses. I think overall the advert was a success as it advertised the brand and product in a unique way. The idea of flying through the corridor really emphasizes the product and would make me want to go and buy it since it looks really fun. The different angles and shots worked really well so the viewer could clearly see the expressions when zoomed in and the flying when zoomed out. On the other hand, I feel the music could have been different as the music used was very dramatic and 'superhero' like. Something more upbeat and fun would have made the advert seem more appealing, especially to those that said the music only worked in some parts in the questionnaire. The lighting in some parts were also a bit dim compared to the lighting in other parts. To correct this we could have consistently used a light during filming or enhanced the images on Final Cut when editing.

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